Thursday, August 24, 2006

Flash 没有声音的解决

The problem is that Flash is old and doesn't support Ubuntu's directory structure for esd properly. It wants to use /tmp/.esd/socket for the sound connection. But Ubuntu uses /tmp/.esd-/socket for the sound (the uid for the user that installed Ubuntu is 1000). A quick hack you can do to fix this is to symbolic link that directory. To do that, go to System - Preferences - Sessions - Startup programs and add
ln -s /tmp/.esd-1000 /tmp/.esd

Thursday, August 17, 2006


$ awk -F[ 'BEGIN{RS = ""} /Fonts]/' ~/.opera/opera6.ini

H1=32,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
H2=24,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
H3=19,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
H4=16,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
H5=13,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
H6=11,7,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Form.Button=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Form.Input=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Form.Text=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Normal=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
PRE=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Toolbar=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Dialog=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Panel=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Email=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
EmailCompose=10,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]
Menu=12,4,0,0,0,0,WenQuanYi Bitmap Song [WenQuanYi]


Perl script on cgiwrap

If I use some script like this

print "Hello World!";

It will give me error :
[Wed Aug 16 08:57:50 2006] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=Hello World...: /www/cgiwrap/cgi/cgiwrap

And I must do like this:

use CGI qw(:standard);
print header('Welcome to my home page!');
print start_html(), "Linux and PHP", end_html();

Friday, August 11, 2006


nanoweb server

Linux Command: Sort





  sort [选项] 文件

  说明:sort命令对指定文件中所有的行进行排序,并将结果显示在标准输出上。如不指定输入文件或使用"- ",则表示排序内容来自标准输入。



  - m 若给定文件已排好序,合并文件。

  - c 检查给定文件是否已排好序,如果它们没有都排好序,则打印一个出错信息,并以状态值1退出。

  - u 对排序后认为相同的行只留其中一行。

  - o 输出文件 将排序输出写到输出文件中而不是标准输出,如果输出文件是输入文件之一,sort先将该文件的内容写入一个临时文件,然后再排序和写输出结果。


  - d 按字典顺序排序,比较时仅字母、数字、空格和制表符有意义。

  - f 将小写字母与大写字母同等对待。

  - I 忽略非打印字符。

  - M 作为月份比较:"JAN"<"FEB"
  - r 按逆序输出排序结果。

  +posl - pos2 指定一个或几个字段作为排序关键字,字段位置从posl开始,到pos2为止(包括posl,不包括pos2)。如不指定pos2,则关键字为从posl到行尾。字段和字符的位置从0开始。

  - b 在每行中寻找排序关键字时忽略前导的空白(空格和制表符)。

  - t separator 指定字符separator作为字段分隔符。



  $ cat text

  vegetable soup

  fresh vegetables

  fresh fruit

  lowfat milk

  $ sort text

  fresh fruit
  fresh vegetables

  lowfat milk

  vegetable soup


  $ sort text>result


  $ sort +1-2 example


  $ sort -r -o outfile +1.0 -1.1 example


  $ ls - l | sort +5 - 7


  $ cat veglist fruitlist | sort > clist

Thursday, August 3, 2006



Tuesday, August 1, 2006



  1. 直接输入英文


  2. 输入大写数字


  3. 输入中文日期


  4. 快速输入单位


  5. 其他字符的快速输入


智能ABC 你真的会用吗?

智能ABC 不是一种纯粹的拼音输入法,而是一种音形结合输入法。因此在输入拼音的基础上如果再加上该字第一笔形状编码的笔形码,就可以快速检索到这个字。笔形码所代替的笔形为:1 横 2 竖 3 撇 5 左弯钩 6 右弯钩 7 十字交叉 8 方框。例如输入“吴”字,输入:wu8 即可减少检索时翻页的次数, 检索范围大大缩小。

强制记忆功能是指将需要经常使用的字符串强制添加到用户词库中,如果仅仅把它当作是造词功能的一种扩展,就太小瞧它了。以向词库中强制添加“罗纳尔多”这个词语为例,在智能ABC 的输入条上右击,在展开的右键菜单中选择“定义新词”,这时将打开“ 定义新词”对话框,在“新词”栏中输入“罗纳尔多”,接着在“外码”栏中输入罗纳尔多的英文“ronaldo”(这里我们使用易记的英文名字作为编码)。以后可以用以下方法输入:在输入条中输入“uronaldo”(前面加了一个u) ,这时词条“罗纳尔多”就会出现在输入条中,再按空格键即可使之上屏。知道了吧,只要多输一个u 就行了。

以词定字就是以词语的方式输入单字,比如要输入一个字“杰”,这个字位置比较靠后,如果是每次都要翻页再去选择未免会很麻烦,可以使用以词定字的功能简化输入过程,这时首先输入:jiechu,接着再拍空格键,会出现词语“杰出”,这时按“[ ”键将输入“杰”字,按“] ”键则后一个字“出”上屏。

智能ABC 在输入的过程当中会自动记忆用户输入的历史情况,对于刚刚用过不久的词语,使用最简单的方法依据不完整的信息进行回忆,从而方便地输入用过的词语。若要重复刚刚输入过的词条,可以连续按两次组合键Ctrl +-,比如刚刚输入了“天堂”这个词,紧接着再按两下Ctrl +-,词语“天堂”就又被输入,回忆在输入内容比较单一、输入内容频繁重复的情况下使用起来非常有效。


Plugin Version Description
Audio player 1.2.2 Highly configurable single track mp3 player. By Martin Laine.
Extended Live Archives 0.10beta-r18 Implements a dynamic archive, inspired by Binary Bonsai and the original Super Archives by Jonas Rabbe. Visit the ELA option panel to initialize the plugin. By Arnaud Froment.
Akismet 1.15 Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web serivce to see if they look like spam or not. You need a API key to use this service. You can review the spam it catches under “Manage” and it automatically deletes old spam after 15 days. Hat tip: Michael Hampton and Chris J. Davis for help with the plugin. By Matt Mullenweg.
CodeHighlight 1.0 Beta 3.1.1 Adds syntax highlighting to your code, or simply allows you to post workable code not affected by the WordPress text replacement features. By Chroder.
CoolCode 3.3 Adds syntax highlighting and line number to your code, base on Text_Highlighter. By andot.
FAlbum 0.6.6 A plugin for displaying your Flickr photosets and photos in a gallery format on your Wordcodess site. By Elijah Cornell.
Hello Dolly 1.5 This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. By Matt Mullenweg.
o42-CC 0.1.1 Select CC license, automatically sign your work. Configure in Options → o42-CC. By Michael Renzmann.
Feedburner Feed Replacement 2.02 Forwards all feed traffic to Feedburner while creating a randomized feed for Feedburner to pull from. By Steve Smith.
Show recent comments V2 2.5 Show latest 5 comments and a piece of the comment… By McMike.
Related Posts 2.02 Returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches. By Alexander Malov & Mike Lu.
Spam Karma 2 2.2 r3 Ultimate Spam Killer for WordPress. Activate the plugin and go to Manage >> Spam Karma 2 to configure. See Spam Karma 2 >> About for details. By dr Dave.
Google Sitemaps 2.7.1
This generator will create a Google compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.
By Arne Brachhold
StatTraq 1.0a beta This plugin will allow you to keep track of every hit on your public WordPress site (note that it does not track admin activity) By Randy Peterman.
TechnoTag 1.2.4 Allows Technorati tags within . Use to use a different tag word than what’s between the tags. Will also allow adding ‘ttag’ custom values for the post for listing at the end of each post and/or ‘ttaglist’ of comma seperated words. By Keith McDuffee.
Ultimate Tag Warrior: Tag Archive 1.0 Renders an archive view, based on tags. Depends on Ultimate Tag Warrior 2.5.1+ By Christine Davis.
Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.1 UTW2: Like UTW1, but with even greater justice. Allows tagging posts in a non-external-system dependent way; with a righteous data structure for advanced tagging-mayhem. By Christine Davis.
Ultimate Tag Warrior 1.3 Legacy Add tags to wordcodess. Tags and tag/post associations are seperated out for great justice. By Christine Davis.
Random Quotes 1.3 This plugin allows you to embed random quotes into your pages. It also has a spiffy management tool in the administrative console. By Dustin Barnes.
WP-PageRank 0.5 Display the Google PageRank? of the current page. By Jan Grewe.
Tiger Style Administration 1.3
After working with WordPress for several months now, I felt the Administration area needed a little “freshening up”. I wanted the utility to feel more like an application, and less like a traditional website.
By Steve Smith
WordPress Database Backup 1.7 On-demand backup of your WordPress database. By Scott Merrill.