Saturday, October 22, 2005

Are you ready for Web 2.0?

Yes, I think we are ready for Web 2.0. Before talking about 2.0, lets look back at our very first Web 1.0. I think Web 1.0 is just about searching information on the web, HTML page and electronic mail or what we all know as email today. Web 1.0 had changed the way we use the computer and the way we communicate with each other. Since the beginning, World Wide Web is growing more than we expected.

If Web 1.0 is all about email, searching and sharing information, what are the features of Web 2.0? Of course, the first thing will be Blog, Blogged, Blogging. Thanks to XML, we now have RSS, Atom, Online Photo sharing services and Online Communites for the coming Web 2.0.

Users are ready for the change. A lot of people keep blogs now a day. Share photo with Flickr and using online personalization services provided by MSN, Yahoo, Google and etc. It’s just that we are waiting for developers to launch super tools and browsers for Web 2.0.

Now we have one; Flock from Mozilla as one of the first browsers for Web 2.0. But the features are not enough to make a breakthrough. So we will have to wait for more powerful browser, from developers.

So are you ready for Web 2.0? If you ask me this question, I will answer that I am.

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